
Friday 9 September 2016

Why Ships are so Important

Why Ships Are So Important?
A cruise ship: Majesty Of The Seas

Everyday the world is growing, the growth is being judged by the capital, investments , technology, manpower , resources. In a competitive world of today none of the nation can expect self sufficieny at all the levels. Even the developed nations need the help of the developing nations to grow. But have you ever thought what helped in that growth ?
Well its trade , yes trade and business not only helped in growth but also resulted in conquering nations to establishment of new colonies during post 15th centuries by european nations. Also the mighty egyptian, harappan , greek, chinese and many other civilizations flourished and traded various products among each other.
Now this trade is being carried out by the people with the help of land and sea routes. But a dramatic event occured on 20th May 1498 when one of the most famous route was discovered by the great portuguese sailor Vasco Da Gama. Well due to this the history of the world was changed for forever . Within a century the British East India Company established their trade in India, downfall of lot of empires took place , the mughals , sikhs , kingdom of bengal , kingdom of mysore  and many other felt helpless. The great mutiny of 1857 was also one of the prominent event.
Route followed by Vasco Da Gama 
(Courtsey: )
But trade was also between India and Europe before the 15th century, the silk route is a famous example of this , so what happened ? 
The large instability and domination by the european empires came only after the discovery of sea routes and good ships . 
YES SHIPS not only helped them to come over a new continent but also to sustain for centuries. During 326 B.C. Alexander the great tried to invade India ,but unfortunately he couldn't do it. Capturing India was the only way to sustain , the land tranport system was not developed to transport goods in large volume, it's a really difficult task even today to do that.
So the ships and marine routes were the best possible routes to not only invade the whole subcontinent but also it will be key to infinite resource for centuries.
Even today the crisis in South China Sea between China and rest of the world is dominated by the navies , different types of ships patrolling and keeping watch & carrying operations. Not only this the western nations this time is giving thrust to air-strikes to eliminate ISIS and other terrorist organisation, the Aircraft Carriers acts as a floating airbase and help to eliminate the threat in any part of the world.
Well now we have discussed a lot about war , now lets come to peaceful applications of ships.
More than 90% of the world's trade is being carried out by the ship today. Starting from your mobile phone you to the candy you are eating is being manufactured in a country and then shipped to whole world. This shipment is carried out by the NYK, Maersk, APL, COSCO and many other companies. Today the world is connected by trade. Ships are the most important resource without which the world economy will be handicap.
Moreover today ferries are also an important resource to promote tourism and also helps the people to move people from one part to another .
In next post we will see some more & new exciting facts about ships.
Thank You
Ayonavo Biswas

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